Just wanted to say a special thanks to you during this Christmas season for your partnership with me! I wanted you to be the first to know a couple new things that are happening!
Our band Victory Worship has been writing songs since last year, and just yesterday we filmed our very first music video! We are very excited about how God is using our team to help people encounter Him through worship, so I’ll be sure to send you the video as soon as it’s finished!
Some more exciting news is that we are starting the process of selling one of our buildings in order to buy land and expand our influence as a ministry! Only 2 days ago a huge sign went up blocking my office window saying “Urgent Sale”. We will see what happens, but hope to get some offers and make a plan to move as the situation develops.
I would encourage you to pray for wisdom and strength for me and all of our leaders as we press forward in this season of tremendous change and breakthrough into our next level of influence for God’s Kingdom.
Thanks and blessings,
Judah Dyck