Hello OLC family! Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!
Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny
Ahh summer, a time to unwind, relax, pull up your lawnchairs and just forget all of your cares and worries. Our thoughts wander to vacation time, and beach trips, backyard BBQ's and camping. We can at times become complacent with just doing nothing, and sometimes that can include going to Church. When we are in holiday mode, our thoughts can sometimes drift to vaction mode even from our own church. We have the thoughts of "I have been busy serving all year round, I need a break!" And yes, everyone is allowed to have time off, but that should not stop us from meeting together as a body of Christ. Consider this a word of encouragement to all of you who might be feeling this way right now, when you are ready for a vacation, and break from all, make sure you still gather together with your fellow believers. It is good for us to meet one another in fellowship and it keeps us filled with faith!
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10: 23-25
- Thanks to everyone who donated to the LPCC baby bottle campaign! If you have forgotten to return your bottles to One Life you can always drop them off yourself at LPCC office, 118 18 St S, Lethbridge AB.
- We are having another hymn sing this Wednesday, June 21st at 6:30pm! Come out and sing some hymns with us!
- As summer is almost here, make sure you check with your Connect Group leaders to see what the schedule will look like throughout the summer.
- Remember, if you have a testimony to share, send us a 2-3 minute video of yourself telling it (info@onelifechurch.ca), and we'd love to share it at one of our Sunday services!
- To see a full list of the events and Connect Groups going on, and to see what's ending for the Summer, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."
Missed a Message?
As always, if you missed our message from last week, you can head over to our website or YouTube page
to watch it, or you can listen to it through many of the podcast services available.
Our Sunday Livestream is also available through YouTube.
Interested in joining a Connect Home Group?
Scan the QR code below for more information!