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One Life Church-Weekly Newsletter
September 5, 2023
Hello OLC family!
Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!


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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny


Part of fearing the Lord is embracing His values and standards in our lives. We are to love what He loves, and hate what He hates. One area that this applies to is how we treat other people. We know that God greatly loves each person that He has created, and to follow in His ways means that we must show honor to our fellow humans as those made by God. Though He hates sin, God never labels people by their sin, but sees the one He created through it all, restoring dignity and honor to them. This is the attitude towards people that we must cultivate as we pursue a life built on God's ways! 
Hate what is evil
"Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."
1 Peter 2:17 NIV


Week of prayer
  • We are hosting a week of prayer and fasting from September 10-15! We invite you to join us on Sunday as we start off the week with a time of worship at 6:00 pm, and welcome you to come to the church throughout the week as well, as we will be hosting prayer from 7:00-8:00 pm from Monday to Friday! Join us as we seek God for this season! 

  • We're so excited to be a part of a city-wide youth event happening at Legacy Park on September 15th from 6:00-9:00 pm! There will be games, live music, prizes, food and much more at this huge event! We're inviting all the youth (grades 6-12) to come out, have fun, meet new friends, and hear about Jesus as we kick off our Youth Groups for the Fall!    

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  • Connect Home Groups are starting again! More detailed information will be available in the Connect Hub on Sunday, but you can scan the QR code in the image above to see which groups are going on this Fall.
  • Many of our other Connect Groups are starting back up as well! To see a full list of the events and Connect Groups going on, check out our website here!
  • Remember, if you have a testimony to share send us a 2-3 minute video of yourself telling it (, and we'd love to share it at one of our Sunday services! 

"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."