Hello OLC family! Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!
Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny
We're taking a break from our ministry highlights to remember those who have and continue to give their lives for the freedom that we experience every day.
For those of us who have grown up far away from the realities of war, it can be so easy to take for granted the freedom that we walk in. Unlike much of the world, we are free to serve and worship God, and we have the ability to live our lives in peace and prosperity. This freedom did not come without a cost. So this week we take the time to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice- their very lives- believing in something greater than themselves. We honor those who gave, and those who continue to give of themselves to preserve OUR future.
"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:16-18 ESV
- University Drive Alliance Church is hosting another City-wide Youth worship night! The worship night is happening tomorrow (Nov. 8) at 7:00 pm, and we invite all of our youth out!
- Please bring back all your filled shoeboxes this Sunday! Thank you so much to each one of you who took part in this outreach this year! It may seem like a small thing to do, but your shoebox will be a huge blessing to the child who receives it. Also, just a reminder to put $10 in your box to help cover project costs such as shipping the box. Thank you!
- Did you start attending One Life Church within the last 6 months? If so, we would love for you to join us after the service on November 19th for our Newcomers Luncheon! We want to get to know you and give you the opportunity to get to know our staff and elders and hear more about who we are as a church! If you would like to come, please sign up in the Connect Hub, or let Lainey know (laineyd@onelifechurch.ca) so we can make sure to have enough food for everyone! We hope to see you there!
- We're still looking for some volunteers to serve as greeters here at OLC! As a greeter, you would come to church early once a month in order to give a warm welcome to everyone else as they come! If this is something you could commit to for a time, please let Anna know. Her number is 403-332-0303. Thank you!
- Red Night tickets are available now! Ladies, we invite you out to our annual "Red Night" for a fun, festive night out with the girls! Christmas music, dessert, and doorprizes are all highlights of this event, and we always have a rich time together. All generations are welcome!
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in the Connect Hub or bought by e-transfering us at events@onelifechurch.ca. Be sure to include a note with your name and the event that you're purchasing tickets for if your registering through e-transfer!
- To see all of the events and groups going on at OLC, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."
Missed a Message?
As always, if you missed our message from last week, you can head over to our website or YouTube page
to watch it, or you can listen to it through many of the podcast services available.
Our Sunday Livestream is also available through YouTube.
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Scan the QR code below for more information!