Hello OLC Family! Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!
Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny
Whether biological mothers, spiritual mothers, stepmothers, or adoptive mothers, the women who have walked with us in our lives and shown us the heart of God are invaluable. If you are one of these special women, we thank you and honour you for being a life-giving person to those around you, for being an example of what it looks like to fear the Lord, and for the love and care that you show. We are so grateful for you, and know that God will bless you as you are a blessing! We love you, moms!
"Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise." Proverbs 31:31 NLT
- We're planning our VBS for July, and we need volunteers to make it happen! If you would like to be a part of it, please let Pastor Mitch know! There will be a planning meeting tomorrow (May 8th) at 6:30 pm here at the church, so please come out if you want to be involved!
- We're looking for someone to fill a part-time admin staff position here at OLC starting at the beginning of June! If you want to apply or see the details of what this job entails, you can get an application form from the Connect Hub!
- A Baby shower for Lainey & soon-to-arrive baby DaRosa is happening here at OLC on May 18th from 2:00-4:00 pm! Ladies of all ages are invited to come out for a time of encouraging Lainey and celebrating with her in this exciting time. Please sign up in the Connect Hub if you are planning to attend! (If you would like to bless Lainey with a gift, you can find her registry HERE.)
- To see a list of all of our upcoming events and Connect Groups, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."
Missed a Message?
As always, if you missed our message from last week, you can head over to our website or YouTube page
to watch it, or you can listen to it through many of the podcast services available.
Our Sunday Livestream is also available through YouTube.
Interested in joining a Connect Home Group?
Scan the QR code below for more information!