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One Life Church-Weekly Newsletter
September 10, 2024
Worship 3
Hello OLC Family!
Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!


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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny


His Work is Honourable & Glorious
   When God does something, He always does it well. When He got to work creating the universe, He took a place of emptiness and filled it with life! He created everything and made it good and glorious!
God has also given each of us work to do on the earth. Whether we are working a 9-5 at the office, working from home, out in the field, on a building project, raising our children, or volunteering for a church or charity, the work that God gives us is as varied and unique as the individuals He created us to be. It is a privilege to do the work that God has given us and it is our job to do the work with excellence and integrity.

Psalm 111:2-3 says:

"The works of the Lord are great, sought out by all those who have delight in them. His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever." (AMP)

Colossians 3:23 also says to "work willingly at whatever you do, as working for the Lord rather than people" (NLT).

As we do our work this week, let's remember who we are doing our work for, and let's do it with honor and excellence! Let's also invite the Holy Spirit to lead us in our work so that we will have wisdom and allow Him to bring His life and glory into everything we do.

Email Verses 2024
"The works of the Lord are great, sought out by all those who have delight in them. His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever."
Psalm 111:2-3 (AMP)


Connect Groups 2024 2025 (1)
Many of the Connect Groups are starting up this week or next week! Please check our website or the church calendar to find out more information on the connect groups and when they meet! If you would like to open your home and lead a connect group, talk to Pastor Wayne!
Click here for more info!

Prophecy Seminar Park Meadows
The prophecy conference is this coming Friday, September 13 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Park Meadow's Baptist Church (2011 15 Ave North). Click here to register.
If you have questions, email

Elias Dummer Concert Slide
Elias Dummer & Joshua Leventhal will be at One Life Church on Sunday, September 22nd for an amazing worship concert @ 7:00 PM! Scan the QR code in the image above or click here for tickets. 
Use Promo Code ONELIFE to get $5 off per ticket!

Rooted Youth Groups
OLC Youth Groups are meeting this week!
All youth from grade 6 to age 22 are welcome to come out and have some fun as we learn about who we are in Christ and become more deeply rooted in Him!
New Roots: Grades 6-9 Thurs 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Deep Roots: Ages 16 - 22 Sun 7 - 9 PM

Copy of OLC Thrive - Ages 18-30 (1)
OLC's Thrive Young Adults will be meeting this Friday at the Church at 7:00 PM.
They meet every other Friday. Come for a great time of bible study and connection!

Copy of Garage Sale Fundraiser - Ethiopia updated
Just in time for Thanksgiving! The missions team at OLC is doing a pie fundraiser for the trip to Ethiopia next year. Pies are $12 each or 2 for $20!
They have Apple, Cherry, Blueberry, & Strawberry Rhubarb!
Orders need to be in by Wednesday, September 25, and pick up with be Saturday, October 5th.

Click here for more info and to place your order!

To see a list of all of our upcoming events, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."


Missed a Message?

As always, if you missed our message from last week, you can head over to our website or YouTube page
 to watch it, or you can listen to it through many of the podcast services available.
Our Sunday Livestream is also available through  YouTube.


Interested in joining a Connect Group?


Scan the QR code below for more information!

Connect Groups
Phone: (403) 394-7707
Address: 501 40 St. South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4M1