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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny

Hello again OLC family! If you missed our service on Sunday, you can always watch it on YouTube or listen to our podcast edition. We look forward to worshiping with you really soon!

Church Events:
Women's Connect is happening this week Thursday at 7 pm. Ladies come out for great teaching and fellowship!
- We will be decorating the church on Saturday, November 27 at 10 am. If you have an eye for design or just love getting ready for Christmas, we can always use the help!
- Our Evangelism Team will be going out to Galt Gardens again this Sunday, November 28, 2021, at 1:30 pm. If you are interested, talk to Joe or Alyssa Legault on Sunday morning!
- Ladies, we will be having our annual Red Night on Monday, November 29 at 6:30 pm, carols, food fellowship and what is sure to be a great message. Can't wait to see you there!
- There will be a Seniors Carol Sing on December 15th here at OLC at 2 pm! Make sure you come out and join us as we sing some Christmas songs! 

Ministry Highlight: Greeters

Much like our Coffee Connect, we are welcomed each and every week by a special group of people who always have smiles on their faces! Our greeters are the first people that you normally see in the morning once you come to OLC, whether it is someone opening the door for you, or the ones who are standing there as you walk through the doors and offer you a warm hug, a handshake or just a warm hello. They add life and warmth to our church, and without them, our first saying of connecting lives would not have the same meaning at all. So make sure you take some time to thank the greeters for all of the hard work that they do each and every week!