Hello OLC Family!
Welcome to another weekly update.
We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!
Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny
Nuggets of Truth Probably all of us, at one time or another as kids, would go on treasure hunts. Sometimes they would be make-believe and sometimes we would go out into our neighborhoods searching for sparkling rocks or other treasure-type items to add to our collections!
Searching for treasure made us excited! It took the everyday normalcy and turned it into an exhilarating adventure!
Whether we realize it or not, as believers, we have the opportunity every day to search for treasure, and we need not look any further than our Bibles! God has provided endless nuggets of truth and wisdom that we can mine out every time we open the pages.
Psalm 119:72 says The words you speak to me are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world!
Let's open our Bibles each day and thank the Lord for the treasure of truth that He has given us! And let's thank Him for helping us to walk daily in those nuggets of truth as we continue in this adventure of faith with Him!
"The words you speak to me are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world." Psalm 119:72 (NLT)
.jpg) This Sunday, we'll be holding a special baby dedication during the service! Join us as we officially welcome these new little ones to the family and dedicate them to the Lord!
The Steve Bell concert is coming up next week on Saturday, February 22nd at 7:30 PM at OLC! Get your tickets at the Connect Hub, or you can talk to Pastor Mitchell. $25/person. 10% of the proceeds are going toward the Ethiopia Missions Trip!
There will be a special Water Baptism Service coming up on Sunday, March 16th at OLC! If you or anyone you know wants to be baptized, talk to Pastor Wanye or contact the church.
The church office will be closed on Monday, February 17th due to Family Day!
To see a list of all of our upcoming events, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."
Missed a Message?
As always, if you missed a message from last week, you can head over to our website or YouTube page to watch it, or you
can listen to it through many of the podcast services available.
Our Sunday Livestream is also available through YouTube.
Interested in joining a Connect Group?
Scan the QR code below for more information!