Hello OLC Parents!
I am so excited that things are starting to get back to a little bit of normalcy, while not there yet it seems as though there is a light at the end of the tunnel! We get to go back to church tomorrow and meet and fellowship together! While there may not be kids ministry yet, the lesson plan will be there for you and your kids as well as some activity pages and things for them to do.
This weeks lesson plan focuses on the early church. After Jesus returned to Heaven, word spread about Jesus to all the world. His followers established churches everywhere they went, and that still continues today.
Kids will learn about the early church, how they treated each other, and what that means for us today.
I hope you have all been enjoying this Bible Trivia lesson plan, and as we are nearing the end of it I am looking forward to what is coming next!
God bless and we will see you all soon!