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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny

Hello again OLC Family! We had a busy day on Sunday; child dedications, honouring graduates and saying goodbye to a couple as they start on a new adventure. If you missed it, you can head over to our website where it is posted. Or better yet, head over to our YouTube channel and subscribe so you don't miss any of our messages!

Church Events:

Though it may look a bit empty in here, make sure you keep watching as summer events pop up!

Things to think on 

This next Sunday we start our summer series called the Summer of Truth. With so much information out there nowadays, it is even more important to ensure that you have a strong foundation in what you believe and why you believe it. Without a deep and strong foundation, a building can easily collapse, builders and engineers spend countless hours making sure that the foundation of a building is strong enough to hold up everything around it before they start to build on it. We as Christians need to do the same thing, we need to study His Word, and make sure that our foundations are in Christ and His principles and follow the blueprints that He has designed for us. If we make sure our foundation is strong, it can withstand anything that the enemy tries to throw at us.